This website shows Italian Bibles since the year 1600, with title pages and links to the online Bibles and for direct download as PDF with many facsimiles. The Italian Bibles before 1600 are published in the chapter Italian Bibles.
After Pope Paul IV (*1467; †1559; Inquisitor from 1542, Pope from 1555 to 1559; Wikipedia) again banned the printing of all Bibles in a national language in 1559, Italian Bibles were not printed in Italy for about 200 years. Giovanni Diodati (*1576, †1649; Wikipedia) therefore moved their production to Geneva, Switzerland. His reformed translation appeared in several editions (1607, 1641, 1721, 1744, 1819, 1821, 1991, etc.). Unlike the earlier Italian Bibles, this version is inaccurate in numerous Bible verses.
Title NT: „Il nuovo testamento di Jesu Christo tradotto da da Giovanni Diodati" and "Il nuovo testamento del nostro signore e salvatore Gesu Cristo tradotto in lingua italiana da Giovanni Diodati.“
Title complete Bible: „La Sacra Bibbia che contiene il Vecchio e il Nuovo Testamento; tradotta in lingua italiana da Giovanni Diodati.“
Bible Facsimiles, PDF:
1607 Diodati Bible, Ginebra: Jean de Tournes (Biblioteca Digital Hispánica, U/5935), Link2
1607 Diodati, Online Text (
1607 Diodati, Wikipedia Information
1607 Diodati, Genève: Jean de Tournes (BSB, 4 76)
1607 Diodati, Genève: Johanne Tornesio (Google Books), Link2, Link3, Link4, Link5
1607 Diodati Bible, Geneva (British Library, C.81.d.7.)
1608 Diodati NT, ohne Ortsangabe (ÖNB, 1.M.43 ALT PRUNK), Link2
1608 Diodati NT, Geneva (British Library, Digital Store 1409.a.4.), Google Books
1608 Diodati NT, Geneva? (Google Books)
1608 Diodati NT, Ginevra (Internetculturale, MAGL..4.8.537.)
1640 Diodati Bible, Genua: per Pietro Chouët (Archive), Google Books
1640 Diodati, Geneva: Pietro Chouët (Google Books)
1641 Diodati Bible, Geneva: Chovët (BSB,4 150 g)
1641 Diodati Bible, Geneva: Pietro Chouet (ÖNB, 2.D.4 ALT PRUNK ALT), Link2
1641 Diodati Bible, Geneva: Chovet (Augsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, 2 Th B VIII.40 2)
1641 Diodati Bible, Geneua: P. Chouët (British Library, 675.k.4.)
1641 Diodati Bible, Geneva: Chovët (Google Books), Link2
1641 Diodati, Online Text (
1641 Diodati Bible, La sacra Bibbia (Archive)
1665 Diodati NT, Haerlem: Albertz (Uni Marburg, Bibliothek Wittgenstein)
1665 Diodati NT, Haerlem: Appresso J. Albertz (British Library, Digital Store 1004.a.20.), Google Books
1665 Diodati, Online Text (
1744 Diodati Bible, Lipsia (Leipzig): Born (Uni Halle, VD18 10764003)
1744 Diodati Bible, Vol.2, Lipsia: Giacomo Born, libraio (Google Books)
1744 Diodati Bible, Lipsia (British Library, Digital Store 3022.d.2.), Google Books
1744 Diodati Bible, Vol.2, NT, Lipsia: appresso Giacomo Born (Archive), Google Books
1808 Diodati NT, Londra: J. Haddon (British Library,
1808 Diodati NT, [London]: Heney & Haddon (GB)
1813 Diodati NT, Shacklewell: T. Rutt (British Library, Digital Store 842.a.7.)
1816 Diodati NT, Shacklewell (British Library, 217.e.21.)
1819 Diodati NT, Londra: R. Priestley (British Library, Digital Store 3022.d.4.), Google Books
1821 Diodati, Online Text (
1822 Diodati Bible, Basilea: Thurneisen (Augsburg, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, Th B VIII.40 9)
1822 Diodati Bible, Basilea: Thurneisen (Google Books)
1822 Diodati Bible, Basilea : dai torchj di Emanuele Thurneisen (Internetculturale), Link2
1825 Diodati Bibe, Londra: S. Bagster (British Library, Digital Store 1407.f.4.(2.), Google Books
1825 Diodati Bible, London: Samuel Bagster (Google Books), Link2
1827 Diodati Bible, (Biblioteca Digital Hispánica, U/5803), Link2
1827 Diodati Bible, (Archive), Google Books
1827 Diodati-Bible, (Google Books)
1830 Diodati Bible, Londra: Dai Torchi di R. Watts (Archive), Google Books
1830 Diodati Bible, London: Dai Torchi di R. Watts (Google Books)
1835 Diodati, PDF (
1835 Diodati Bible, editore non identificato (Archive), (Google Books)
1836 Diodati NT, W. M'Dowall (Google Books), Link2
1840 Diodati NT, London: S.P.C.K. (British Library, 1108.e.2.)
1841 Diodati Bible, London: S.P.C.K. (British Library, 3020.d.15.)
1841 Diodati-Bible, London: R. Watts (Google Books)
1844 Diodati-Bible, London: R. Watts (Google Books)
1845 Diodati Bible, Londra: S. Bagster, A reissue of the edition of 1825 (BL, Digital Store, Google Books
1848 Diodati NT, London: Guglielmo Watts (British Library, Digital Store 03025.k.2.), Google Books
1849 Diodati NT, Pisa: B. & F.B.S (British Library, 3022.c.27.; 3022.c.28.)
1850 Diodati Bible, London: Guill Watts (ÖNB, 29417-B ALT MAG), Link2
1850 Diodati Bible, London: Spottiswoode e Shaw (Google Books), Link2, Link3, Link4, Link5
1850 Diodati Bible, Londra: G. Watts (British Library, Digital Store 3022.e.18.), Google Books
1850 Diodati Bible, Guglielmo Watts (BSB, 250 r)
1850 Diodati NT, Guglielmo Watts (Google Books)
1851 Diodati Bible, Evangelo di San Giovanni, Soc. Bibl. Americ. (Google Books)
1854 Diodati Bible, Londra: Società Biblica Britannica e Forestiera (British Library, Digital Store 3022.c.13.), Google B.
1855 Diodati Bible, Londra: Bagster e Figliuoli (Biblioteca Digital Hispánica, U/6216), Link2
1855 Diodati Bible, London: Samuel Bagster e Figliuoli (Google Books), Link2
1855 Diodati Bible, Londra: La societa biblica britannica e forestiera (Archive), Google Books
1856 Diodati Bible, Londra (Archive), Google Books
1858 Diodati NT, Cambridge: Stamperia dell'Università (British Library, Digital Store 3022.f.5.), Google Books
1858 Diodati NT, Cambridge (Google Books)
1858 Diodati NT, London: Società biblica britannica e forestiera (Google Books)
1858 Diodati NT, Cambridge: Stamperia dell'Università (British Library, 3022.c.7.)
1858 Diodati NT, Londra: Società Biblica Britannica e Forestiera (British Library, 3022.b.8.)
1858 Diodati Bible, London: Società biblica britannica e forestiera (Google Books)
1860 Diodate Bible, New York, bilingual Italian-English (Archive)
1861 Diodati, Geneva: Pietro Chovët (Google Books)
1861 Diodati NT, stampato per la Societa biblica britannica e forestiera (Google Books)
1861 Diodati Bible, London: stampato per la Societa biblica britannica e forestiera (Google Books)
1862 Diodati NT, Firenze: Tip. Claudiana (Google Books)
1862 Diodati NT, Londra: Guglielmo Watts (British Library, Digital Store 3022.b.7.), Google Books
1862 Diodati NT, London: stampato per la Societa biblica britannica e forestiera (Google Books)
1862 Diodati Bible, Londra : Società Biblica Britannica e Forestiera (British Library, Digital Store 3022.f.9.), Google B.
1862 Diodati Bible, London: stampato per la Societa biblica britannica e forestiera (Google Books)
1863 Diodati Bible, Firenze: Tip. Claudiana (Google Books)
1863 Diodati NT, Firenze: Tip. Claudiana (Google Books)
1864 Diodati Bible, I Salmi di David recati in rime toscane, Milano: G. Daelli (Google Books), Link2, Link3, Link4
1864 Diodati Bible, London: La Societa Biblica Britannica e Forestiera (Google Books), Link2, Link3, Link4
1864 Diodati Bible, Londra: Società Biblica Britannica e Forestiera (British Library, Digital Store 3022.f.8.), Google B.
1865 Diodati NT, Londra: Società Biblica Britannica e Forestiera (British Library, Digital Store 3022.b.9.), Google Books
1866 Diodati NT, London: La Società Biblica Britannica e Forestiera (Google Books)
1867 Diodati Bible, Londra: Società Biblica Britannica e Forestiera (BL, Digital Store, Google Books
1867 Diodati Bible, London: Società biblica britanica (Google Books), Link2
1867 Diodati-Bibel, Firenze: Tip. Claudiana (Google Books), Link2
1867 Diodati NT, Firenze: Tip. Claudiana (Google Books)
1868 Diodati NT, Trieste: Reichard (ÖNB, 72001-B NEU MAG), Link2
1868 Diodati NT, Trieste: Reichard (Google Books)
1872 Diodati NT, Roma: La Società biblicaitaliana (Archive), Google Books
1873 Diodati NT, Firenze: La Società Biblica Britannica e Forestiera (Google Books)
1874 Diodati Bible, New York: Societa Biblica Americana (Google Books)
1874 Diodati NT, New York: Societa Biblica Americana (Google Books)
1876 Diodati Bible, Londra: Soc. biblica britannica e forestiera (BSB, 251 d)
1876 Diodati Bible, Londra: Soc. biblica britannica e forestiera (Google Books)
1877 Diodati Bible, Società biblica britannica e forestiera (Google Books), Link2
1878 Diodati NT, Firenze: Tip. Claudiana (Google Books), Link2
1879 Diodati Bible, Roma: Deposito di Sacre Scritture (Google Books)
1879 Diodati NT, Roma: Deposito di Sacre Scritture (Google Books)
1883 Diodati NT, Roma (British Library,
1884 Diodati NT, Roma (British Library,
18?? Diodati Bible: Londra, Società Biblica Britannica e Forestiera (Archive)
1885 Diodati Bible, Roma: Depositi de Sacre Stritture (Archive)
1888 Diodati Bible, Roma: B. & F.B.S. (British Library, 3022.dd.14.)
1888 Diodati Bible, Roma: La Società Biblica Britannica e Forestiera (Archive)
1891 Diodati Bible, Roma: British and Foreign Bible Society (Archive)
1891 Diodati Bible, Roma: B. & F.B.S., (British Library,
1894 Diodati NT, Italian-English, New York: American Bible Society (Archive)
1894 Diodati Bible, Depositi di Sacre Scritture (Google Books)
1894 Diodati Bible, Roma: Depositi di Sacre Scritture (Archive)
1903 Diodati Bible, Roma: Depositi di Sacre Scritture (Archive)
German: Nachdem Papst Paul IV. (*1467; †1559; Inquisitor ab 1542, Papst ab 1555 bis 1559; Wikipedia) im Jahre 1559 erneut den Druck aller Bibeln in einer Landessprache verbot, wurden in Italien etwa 200 Jahre lang keine italienischen Bibeln mehr gedruckt. Daher verlegte Giovanni Diodati (*1576, †1649; Wikipedia) deren Herstellung ins schweizerische Genf. Seine reformierte Übersetzung erschien in mehreren Auflagen (1607, 1641, 1721, 1744, 1819, 1821, 1991 usw.). Im Gegensatz zu den früheren italienischen Bibeln, ist diese Version in zahlreichen Bibelversen ungenau.
Christoph Heinrich Freiesleben (called Ferromontano) revised Dioati's text and had the NT printed in Leipzig by Christiano Gozzio (Goetz). On the title page, Duke Christian of Saxe-Weissenfels (Cristiano Duca di Sassonia; Christian von Sachsen-Weißenfels *1682; †1736, Wikipedia) was honored.
Title: „Il Nuovo Testamento di Giesù Cristo nostro Signore. Consacrato a sua Altezza serenissima Monsignor' il Prencipe Christiano Duca di Sassonia ... dal Ferromontano, Licenziato delle leggi.“
Bible Facsimiles, PDF:
1702 Ferromontano, Lipsia (British Library, Digital Store, Link2
1702 Ferromontano, Lipsia (Google Books)
German: Christoph Heinrich Freiesleben (genannt Ferromontano) überarbeitete den Text von Dioati und liess das NT in Leipzig durch Christiano Gozzio (Goetz) drucken. Auf der Titelseite wurde Herzog Christian von Sachsen (Cristiano Duca di Sassonia; Christian von Sachsen-Weißenfels; *1682; †1736; Wikipedia) geehrt.
In 1710, Diodati's edition of the NT was corrected and improved in the division of chapters and verses. It was printed in Zurich (Switzerland) by David Guessnero.
Title 1710: „Nuovo Testamento di Giesu Cristo Nostro Signore e Salvatore nuovamente revisto e con ogni diligenza corretto, accresciuto de’ sommarii e d’un’essatta divisione de’ capitoli e versetti. Stampato a Zurigo da David Guessnero.“
Bible Facsimiles, PDF:
1710 NT Guessnero, Zurigo (British Library, Digital Store, Link2
1710 NT Guessnero, Zurigo (Google Books)
German: Im Jahre 1710 wurde die Ausgabe des NT von Diodati korrigiert und in der Einteilung der Kapitel und Verse verbessert. Sie wurde in Zürich bei David Guessnero gedruckt.
A Revision of the Diodati Bible by the scholar Mattia D'Erberg (Matthias von Erberg; *16XX, †1720).
Title: „La Sacro-Santa Biblia In Lingua Italiana. Cioè Il vecchio e nuovo Testamento nella purità della Lingua volgare, moderna e corretta, corrispondente per tutto al Testo fondamentale vero...“
German: Eine Revision der Diodati-Bibel von dem Gelehrten Mattia D'Erberg (Matthias von Erberg; *16XX, †1720).
Facsimiles, PDF:
1711 Bibbia d'Erberg, Norimbergo: Alle Spese di quest' istesso Autore (Google Books)
1711 Bibbia d'Erderg, Norimbergo (British Library, J/3021.f.14.)
1712 Bibbia d'Erberg, Norimbergo (British Library, Digital Store 3036.g.3.), Google Books
1712 Bibbia d'Erberg, Norimbergo: Alle Spese di quest' istesso Autore (Google Books), Link2, Link3, Link4 , Link5
1712 Bibbia d'Erberg, Cologna (Köln): Mattia d'Erberg (ÖNB, 1.D.11 ALT PRUNK), Link2
1712 Bibbia d'Erberg, Cologna (British Library, 2.d.8.)
1712 Bibbia d'Erberg, (, Link2-PDF
In 1711, the NT translated into Italian by D.C.H.F. (D. Christoph Heinrich Freiesleben zu Altenburg) was printed by Giovanni Ludovico Richter in Altenburg (Germany). It is a revision of the Diodati Bible with minor changes.
Title 1711: „il Nuovo Testamento del Signore Nostro Giesu Christo tradotto in lingua italiana da D.C.H.F. stampato da Giovanni Ludovico Richter ad Altenburgo.“
Facsimiles, PDF:
1711 NT da D.C.H.F., G-L-Richter, Altenburgo (British Library,, Link2
1711 NT da D.C.H.F., G-L-Richter, Altenburgo (Google Books), GoogleBooks2
German: 1711 wurde das von D.C.H.F. (D. Christoph Heinrich Freiesleben zu Altenburg) ins Italienische übersetzte Neue Testament bei Giovanni Ludovico Richter in Altenburg (Deutschland) gedruckt. Es ist eine Revision der Diodati-Bibel mit geringen Veränderungen.
Johann Gottlob Glück (Ital. name: Giovan Gotlobbe Glicchio; *1704; †1772) was a German translator and Lutheran pastor, matriculated in Leipzig in 1724, Magister Univ. Wittenberg in 1727 and ordained in Altenburg in 1732. A new Italian NT was printed in Leipzig (Lipsia) by Paul Emanuel Richter. In the book there is a dedication to Prince John August of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (Giovanni Augusto Duca di Sassonia; *1704; †1767).
Title 1743: „Il nuovo Testamento di Giesu Cristo nostro Signore, dell' Originale greco fedelmente vulgarizato da Giovan Gotlobbe Glicchio, con privilegio reale. In Altenburgo e Lipsia presso di Paolo Emmanuelo Richter. 1743.“
1743 NT Glicchio, Altenburgo, Lipsia (Uni Halle, VD18 10761063)
1743 NT Glicchio, Altenburgo, Lipsia (British Library), Link2, Google Books
German: Johann Gottlob Glück (ital. Name: Giovan Gotlobbe Glicchio; *1704; †1772) war ein Übersetzer und evangelischer Pastor, 1724 in Leipzig immatrikuliert, 1727 Magister Univ. Wittenberg und 1732 ordiniert in Altenburg. In Leipzig und Altenburg wurde ein neues italienisches NT durch Paul Emanuel Richter gedruckt. Im Buch befindet sich eine Widmung an Johann August von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg (Giovanni Augusto Duca di Sassonia; *1704; †1767).
It was only after 1755 that the Catholic Church increasingly allowed some Bibles to be produced in various national languages, provided that translators were authorized by the Church.
However, this was only done to prevent Christians from reading a Protestant Bible in their own language, as there was no corresponding Catholic one.
Antonio Martini (*1720, †1809, Wikipedia) published the first official Italian version of the NT in 1771, and in 1778 the complete Catholic Bible.
Pope Pius VI (*1717, †1799, Wikipedia), who had been educated by the Jesuits, granted him permission to print and appointed Martini bishop of Florence. This Bible was inaccurate in many verses and was based on the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Title 1: „La sacra bibbia o sia vecchio e nuovo testamento secondo la volgata tradotto ... di Ant. Martini“
Titel 2: „La sacra Bibbia secondo la Volgata colla versione di Antonio Martini e colla spiegazione del senso letterale e spirituale tratta dai santi padri e dagli scrittori ecclesiastici da L. J. Le Maistre de Sacy“
Titel 3: „La Sacra Bibbia secondo la volgata Tradotta in lingua italiana da monsignore Antonio Martini“
Facsimiles, PDF:
1778 Martini, Online Text (
1788-1792 Martini, Vol.1, Firenze: Stamperia Arcivescovile (Google Books), Vol.2, Vol.3, Vol.4, Vol.5, Vol.6
1817 Martini NT, Prato (GB): Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.2, Vol.3, Vol.4, Vol.4, Vol.5, Vol.6, Vol.7, Vol.8, Vol.8
1818 Martini NT, Livorno (British Library, Digital Store 3022.d.8.), Google Books
1818 Martini NT, Londra : Bensley & Figli (British Library, Digital Store 842.a.8.)
1819-1820 Martini NT, Biblioteca Provinciale (GB): Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3, Vol.4, Vol.5, Vol.6, Vol.7, Vol.8, Vol.9
1821 Martini, London: Benj. Bensley (ÖNB, 1.J.4 ALT PRUNK), Link2
1821 Martini NT, Londra: Beniamino Bensley (British Library, Digital Store, Google Books
1821 Martini Bibel, Londra: B. Bensley (British Library, Digital Store 842.f.3.), Google Books
1821 Martini, London: Beniamino Bensley (Google Books), Link2, Link3, Vol.2-NT
1822 Martini NT, Latin-Italian, Vol.1, Venezia (Google Books), Vol.1
1823 Martini NT, Parigi (British Library, 3049.a.15.)
1823 Martini NT, Paricia: J. Smith (Google Books), Link2
1827-1829 Bibbia di Martini, Vol. 1-11, Milano: Giovanni Silvestri (ÖNB, 44.Mm.267.(Vol.10) ALT PRUNK), Link2
1827-1829 Bibbia di Martini, Vol.1-12 (Google Books): Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3, Vol.4, Vol.5, Vol.6, Vol.7, Vol.8, Vol.9,
1828 Martini, London: Bagster e Thoms (Google Books)
1833-1836 Bibbia di Martini, Vol.1, Firenze: D. Passigli e socj (Archive), Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3
1833-1836 Bibbia di Martini, Vol.1, Firenze: D. Passigli e socj (Google Books), Vol.1, Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.2, Vol.3
1836-1845 Bibbia di Martini, Vol. 1-24, Milano: Angelo Bonfanti (ÖNB, 14857-B.10 ALT MAG), Link2
1836-1845 Bibbia di Martini, Vol.1-11 (Google Books): Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3, Vol.4, Vol.5, Vol.6, Vol.7, Vol.8, Vol.9,
Vol.10, Vol.11, Vol.12, Vol.13, Vol.14, Vol.15, Vol.16, Vol.17, Vol.18, Vol.19, Vol.20,
Vol.21, Vol.22, Vol.23, Vol.24, Vol.25
1838 Martini NT, London: W. M'Dowall (British Library, Digital Store 03025.k.3.), Google Books
1839 Martini NT, Firenze: Vincenzo Batelli e figli (Google Books)
1840 Martini NT, Parigi: J. Smith (Google Books)
1841-1844 Martini Bibel, Vol.1, Firenze: D. Passigli (Archive), Vol.2 , Vol.3
1841-1844 Martini Bibel, Vol.1, Firenze: D. Passigli (Google Books), Vol.2, Vol.3
1842-1843 Martini Bibel, Vol.1, Firenze: D. Passigli (Archive), Vol.2, Vol.2
1842-1843 Martini Bibel, Vol.1, Firenze: D. Passigli (Google Books), Vol.2,
1842-1846 Bibbia di Martini, Vol.1, Firenze: David Passigli (Archive), Vol.1, Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3,
1842-1846 Bibbia di Martini, Vol.1, Firenze: David Passigli (GB), Vol.1, Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.2, Vol.2, Vol.3, Vol.3, Vol.3
1846 Bibbia di Martini, NT, Firenze: R. Clay (Google Books), Link2
1847-1849 Bibbia di Martini, Vol.1, H. Blanc (Google Books), Vol.2, Vol.3
1847 Martini Bibel, Vol. 5 NT, Napoli: Gaetano Nobile Libraio-Tipografo (Archive), Google Books
1849, Martini NT, Firenze: B. & F.B.S (British Library, Digital Store 3022.c.29.), Google Books
1850 Martini NT, Prato: Tipografia FF. Giachetti (Google Books)
1852 Martini, Vol.1, Firenze: Angelo Usigli (Google Books), Vol.1-Link2 Vol.4
1852 Martini NT, Società biblica britannica e forestiera (Google Books)
1854 Martini NT, Firenze: Felice Le Monnier (Google Books), Link2, Link3, Link4, Link5
1854 Martini NT, Firenze (British Library, 3022.c.22.)
1863 Martini, Vol.1, Milano: Francesco Pagnoni Editore-Tipografo (Google Books), Vol.4
1880 Martini Bibel, Milano (British Library, L.11.e.5.)
1883 Martini NT, Roma: Deposito de sacre scritture (Google Books)
1889 Martini Bibel, Milano (British Library, 3022.l.3.)
1936 Martini Bibel, Milano: Sonzogno (British Library, L.45/987.)
German: Erst nach 1755 gestattete die katholische Kirche zunehmend einige Bibeln auch in diversen Landessprachen herzustellen, sofern die Übersetzer von der Kirche dazu autorisiert wurden. Dies geschah aber auch nur, um zu verhindern, dass die Christen eine protestantische Bibel in ihrer Sprache lesen würden, da keine entsprechende katholische vorhanden war.
Antonio Martini (*1720, †1809; Wikipedia) brachte 1771 die erste offizielle italienische Version des NT, 1778 auch die komplette katholische Bibel heraus. Der bei den Jesuiten ausgebildete Papst Pius VI. (*1717, †1799; Wikipedia) erteilte ihm die Druckerlaubnis und bestimmte Martini zum Bischof von Florenz. Diese Bibel war in vielen Versen ungenau und orientierte sich an den Lehren der katholischen Kirche.
Bartholomaeus Catena has published a 17-volume work.
Title: "La sacra bibbia di Vence giusta la quinta edizione del ... Drach ... per cura di Bartolomeo Catena..."
1830-44 Bibbia di Catena, Vol. 1-17, Milano: Stella e Figli (ÖNB, 267047-B.Text-Bd.1 FID MAG), Link2, Europaea
1830-44 Bibbia di Catena (Archive): Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.2, Vol.3, Vol.4, Vol.5, Vol.6, Vol.7, Vol.8, Vol.9, Vol.10,
Vol.11, Vol.12, Vol.13, Vol.13, Vol.14, Vol.15, Vol.15, Vol.16, Vol.17, Appendice
1830-44 Bibbia di Catena (Google Books): Vol.1, Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3, Vol.4, Vol.5, Vol.6, Vol.7, Vol.8, Vol.9, Vol.10,
Vol.11, Vol.12, Vol.13, Vol.13, Vol.14, Vol.15, Vol.16, Vol.17, Appendice
German: Bartholomaeus Catena hat ein 17-bändiges Werk herausgegeben.
Published in 1921, the Bible by the Waldensian Giovanni Luzzi (*1856; †1948; Wikipedia), is based on the Wescott-Hort text, which was revised in 1994 with the title Nuova Riveduta. "The British and Foreign Bible Society
in 1906 appointed a committee to revise the Bible of Giovanni Diodati, headed by Giovanni Luzzi, a Waldensian pastor and theologian. The aims of this edition were:
1. to preserve as much as possible the translation of Diodati;
2. to translate and not to interpret; 3. to use a modern Tuscan Italian.
From 1925 this version of the Bible was put into print. This version is known as the "Riveduta Version" (R), improperly called also the "Riveduta Luzzi", because Giovanni Luzzi was the president of the group of people in charge of the revision" (Source, text translated).
Title: „La Bibbia tradotta dai testi originali e annotata da Giovanni Luzzi“, Vol.1 La Bibbia (sua storia e storia d’Israel); Vol.2: La Legge (Torah) o il Pentateuco; Vol.3-5: I profeti (Nebiim); Vol.6-9: Gli agiografi (Ketubim); X: Apocrifi dell’Antico Testamento; Vol.11-12: Nuovo Testamento, Firenze, Sansoni (poi Fides et amor).
1921 Bibbia Luzzi (Archive): Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3, Vol.4, Vol.5, Vol.6, Vol.7, Vol.8, Vol.9, Vol.10, Vol.11, Vol12
1925 Riveduta Luzzi, Online Text (Bibbia Sentieriantichi), Link2
German: Die 1921 erschienene Bibel von dem Waldenser Giovanni Luzzi (*1856; †1948, Wikipedia), basiert auf dem Text von Wescott-Hort, der 1994 mit dem Titel Nuova Riveduta überarbeitet wurde. "Die British and Foreign Bible Society ernannte 1906 ein Komitee zur Revision der Bibel von Giovanni Diodati unter der Leitung von Giovanni Luzzi, einem waldensischen Pastor und Theologen. Die Ziele dieser Ausgabe waren: 1. die Übersetzung von Diodati so weit wie möglich zu erhalten; 2. zu übersetzen und nicht zu interpretieren; 3. ein modernes toskanisches Italienisch zu verwenden. Ab 1925 wurde diese Version der Bibel in Druck gegeben. Diese Version wird als "Riveduta-Version" (R) bezeichnet, fälschlicherweise auch "Riveduta Luzzi" genannt, weil Giovanni Luzzi der Präsident der Gruppe von Personen war, die mit der Revision beauftragt waren" (Quelle, übersetzt).
Major Italian Bible editions published since the 20th century (Wikipedia, Wiki-Italiano, Wiki-Polish):
Facsimiles and PDF of Bibles in several languages:
English Bible prints until 1699
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